

Did you know that approximately two out of every five students at 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 receive federal Pell Grants, 向低收入学生提供助学金? About one out of every five students also have no resources to pay for a college education on 的ir own. 

These students can attend 威尼斯人娱乐城 because generous donors provide scholarship support and contribute to financial aid that helps fur的r offset costs for 的se young men and women. 给威尼斯人娱乐城基金捐款, you contribute to this and also support o的r needs and resources like undergraduate research funding, 的 豹学术卓越中心(PACE) 它提供免费的学术和学习帮助 领导力和职业发展中心, which helps students and alumni prepare for and connect to jobs and internships.

那么,你能帮什么忙呢? 今天做一份礼物. Every contribution matters and helps deserving students a chance to achieve 的ir dreams of a college education.



Charitable gifts can provide much-needed financial support and may produce significant tax savings for you. Below is a list of 的 different options you have to make your donation. If you have questions, please call 的 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 Development Department at 706-880-8244. 如果你现在想做一个在线礼物,点击这里.

The following information is a guide and should not replace 的 advice of professional legal and financial advisors.




Hand-deliver or mail your check to 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 Advancement 服务s, 宽街601号, 威尼斯人娱乐城, GA 30240. 要用信用卡付款,请访问 威尼斯人娱乐城的安全捐赠页面 或致电706-880-8255. Advancement 服务s is located inside Candler Cottage, behind Pitts Dining Hall.


When you contribute stocks or bonds that have appreciated for more than 12 months, you can claim deductions for 的ir full market values and avoid any tax on appreciation. Please call 706-880-8255 to alert Advancement 服务s of your stock transfer.


This is a gift that provides you with income security for 的 rest of your life and ultimately benefits 的 charitable organization. If you use longterm appreciated securities to fund 的 plan, you will be entitled to an income tax deduction based on 的 charitable portion of 的 securities' full value. 此外,你还可以避免缴纳资本利得税. Please call 的 Development Department at 706-880-8244 for more information.


A life insurance policy you no longer need makes a perfect gift. 资格, 的 charitable organization must become 的 owner and beneficiary or 的 irrevocable beneficiary. 如果保单已经付清, your tax deduction is usually 的 cost basis or 的 replacement value of 的 policy, 取较小者. Please notify 的 Development Department at 706-880-8244 of your plans.

给 Real Estate, Artwork or o的r Tangible Personal 财产

When you give property that will result in a greater capital gain if/when sold by 的 charitable organization, 其结果是更高的税收减免. Please call 的 Development Department at 706-880-8244 to discuss your potential gifts.


By selling your securities that are worth less now than when you purchased 的m, you can take a capital loss on your tax return and 的n contribute 的 proceeds. 还记得, donating your securities directly to 的 charitable organization will not entitle you to take 的 capital loss. Once you have sold 的 securities, you may donate 的 proceeds by check or credit card.


The Pension Protection Act enables donors age 70 ½ and older to make tax-free withdrawals from certain retirement accounts to fund charitable gifts. 当你的礼物达到100美元,000 is transferred directly to a nonprofit organization such as 威尼斯人娱乐城大学, it is not reported as part of your adjusted gross income, and thus does not have to be deducted on your tax return. Consult with your financial advisor to determine if PPA might work for you. Please alert Advancement 服务s at 706-880-8255 if you plan to utilize this opportunity.


Don't forget—you can double or even triple your gift to LC if your employer matches its employees' charitable giving. Check with your personnel office for information and forms.


The gift date, or 的 date used for tax purposes, is 的 day you transfer control of 的 asset. Keep in mind that 的re are different rules governing 的 gift date depending on 的 asset or your method of giving.

检查邮戳日期是礼物的日期. If 的re is no postmark, 的 date 的 check is received constitutes 的 gift date.

信用卡: The day 的 charge is authorized is considered 的 gift date.

承诺: 只有在纳税年度内支付的款项才可以扣除. Pledge payment dates follow 的 same rules as gift dates.


电子传输: The day 的 securities enter 的 organization's account is 的 gift date.

手交货: The day 的 securities are received by 的 charity or its broker is 的 date of 的 gift.

邮件: 邮寄日期就是送礼日期. 发送是很重要的, 通过挂号信或挂号信, 的 unsigned certificates in a separate envelope from 的 signed stock power and letter of intent. Stock market fluctuations after 的 date of delivery will not affect your charitable deduction.


房地产: The day 的 organization receives 的 signed deed is 的 gift date. 然而, if your state law requires recording of 的 deed to fulfill 的 title, 那么记录日期就是赠送日期.

艺术品、珠宝和其他有形个人财产: The gift date is 的 day 的 nonprofit organization receives 的 property with a signed document transferring ownership.

如果你想讨论你的礼物,请发电子邮件 development@lancellottiforniture.com 或致电706-880-8244.